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Website Privacy Policy

SPE Limited commits to protecting the privacy of its clients and visitors to its website. The statement below describes how we collect and use personal information provided to us.

Collection and use of Information
We retain the information of clients and potential clients who we are in contact with us through email from the website. This information is treated by us as strictly confidential. We will not pass this information to any third party unless explicit permission to do so has been provided, or it is legally required.

We will ensure that any personal information we hold is held securely and in accordance with relevant Data Protection legislation.

We will from time to time contact you for the purposes which you have consented to receive information from us. You may choose to remove consent to receive such communications at any point by notifying us.

The website logs anonymous information from visitors to the website to facilitate analysis of web traffic. The type of information collected is duration of visit, type of browser used etc.

Other websites
Any links to other websites do not imply any validation and SPE Limited is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of these websites.

Please click here to view the company's Data Protection & Privacy Notice Policy

Reviewed January 2025