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Clean Water Pumps

Pumps for Clean Water Applications

Submersible Pumps, Well and Borehole Pumps

Clean Water Pump 2 Clean Water Pump with float switch

These submersed, motor driven water pumps are available in a vast range of heads and flow rates.

Suitable for lifting and distributing water from wells, boreholes and water courses, these pumps can supply pressurised water for anything from domestic use, irrigation systems and small scale farming to civil and industrial water installations, fire fighting and wash down systems.

Pressure Vessels / Booster Units

Pressure Vessel and booster unit

Pressure Vessels and Booster Units are for lifting water and increasing water pressure, ensuring a constant water flow rate and are particularly suitable for domestic use.

Pressure Vessels and Booster Units are very reliable and simple to operate, using self priming motor driven pumps. Other applications include installation in apartment blocks, shopping centres and industrial complexes.

The SPE series of packages Pressure Sets and Booster Units can either be supplied in standard configurations or designed to meet individual requirements, as cost-effective pumping solutions, covering a wide variety of applications for water boosting.

Each booster set is carefully selected to give both high efficiency and reliability of operation, incorporating multistage pumps, accumulator vessels and auto-changeover control panels.

The standard SPE Pressure Sets and Booster Units can be used for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural applications, namely for: water lifting or handling, cooling, heating, irrigation and washing systems. The liquid carried can be: clean water, drinking water, rainwater, well water or mixed water, provided that it does not contain solids or fibres in suspension and is free of aggressive chemical substances.